Saturday 12 September 2015

Time Warp-- Waqt: The race against Time

If I were asked what super power I would want most, I would answer emphatically “the ability to manipulate time.” There’s something completely ridiculous and insane about cramming in 30-40 hours per chapter since first year.With the amount of information that is expected of us to absorb, digest, and recall, our mental digestive system often has reflux, and especially during post exams, intractable mental vomiting.

There are some medical students that wake up really early to get a head start on the day’s lectures or to start the cramming process asap. I call them 'gunners'. Depending on the day, a medical student can have anywhere from 3-6 hours of lecture a day. Then you got some who do 'revision' after all those brain-numbing lectures. Then there are some crazies who take extra classes for pg prep during medical school. Aahh, I'm in that list! There’s also much needed time for extracurricular activities. And you got some insignificant tasks to be done that need to be  significantly remembered from time to time, and omg-- friends (remember them?). Oh yeah and there’s the regular studying which appears to require an endless amount of time. Endless is a long time and makes you realize why there are ONLY 24 hours in a day and question why humans need to sleep anyway? Sleep. What a waste of time...

If I had the power to manipulate time, medical school would probably be easier. But then again, medical school would probably be longer and the thought of that makes me vomit intractably.

---Currently on domperidone BD

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